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Geocode Photos FAQ |
Where can I download a demo version?Go to the download page. Can I get it on CD-ROM?Yes. What's new with v6.3?Click here. How is the demo version limited?Intentional errors are introduced that make the latitude and longitude values to be off by as much as a kilometer. How do I purchase the registered version?You can purchase it on-line. It takes only a few minutes and you'll immediately receive your unlock code. What about upgrades?Registered users receive FREE lifetime upgrades. Is there a 30 day money back guarantee?Yes. It's specified in the End User License Agreement. I can't run the install program. What's do I need to do?You're running an older version of Windows that doesn't include the Windows Installer. You need to download and install it before running the RoboGEO setup program. The install program seems to load fine, but fails with an error. What do I do?Contact with the exact error message that you received and any other important information that would help in diagnosing the problem, like the operating system you're running. When I try to run the program, it unexpectedly ends after displaying the demo screen.
This will happen if the installation program was unable to copy and register one or more files to your Windows system folder.
How do I get help from within the program?Press F1 or click any of the 'Help' buttons. All of the documentation is on-line, so you'll need to be connected to the internet in order to access it. Having the documentation on-line instead of loading it onto your computer allows us to constantly update it with new information. OK, I'm running the program. What do I do?Follow the step-by-step instructions in the task pane on the left hand side of the screen or follow these instructions. I have a Magellan GPS. Can I still use RoboGEO?Yes, but you'll need to import the tracklogs instead of using the program to download them directly from the GPS. Using G7ToWin is one method for creating an import file (either G7T or GPX formats). I don't own a GPS. Can I still use RoboGEO?Yes, but you'll need to manually enter the latitude, longitude and altitude information for each image. This is easy using the LatLonFinder website and the 'Edit All Values' option under the 'Edit' pull-down menu. What is EXIF?EXIF stands for Exchangeable Image File Format. This file format allows for the storage of non-image data (such as the latitude and longitude) within the actual image file. Virtually all modern digital cameras store images as EXIF files in the JPG format. What is IPTC?IPTC stands for International Press Telecommunications Council. IPTC, like EXIF, allows for the storage of non-image data (such as a news headline and copyright owner) within the actual image file. It's used by news organizations worldwide as the mechanism for classifying news data. Is RoboGEO's EXIF and IPTC lossless?Yes. When information is written to the EXIF or IPTC headers, none of the image data is lost and all of the existing comments are preserved. I'm confused by the JPG quality option. What should I do?Set it to 98 (the default value) and forget about it. Why not set the JPG quality to the highest possible value?Because as the quality increases, so does the image size. The goal is reach a compromise between good image quality and small file size. Using 98 accomplishes that for most applications. What kind of images can I load into the program?You can load JPG, TIF, BMP, PNG, DNG, NEF, CR2, MRW, ERF, RAF, ORF, PEF, ARW SR2, SRW, RW2, RAW, RWL, and MEF formats. Why can't I geocode my PNG and BMP files from a tracklog?PNG and BMP files do not support the storage of EXIF metadata. In order to georeference an image from a GPS tracklog, the image must have a valid EXIF timestamp and these 2 formats do not support that. OK, how do I geocode my PNG and BMP images?You can do it manually or by equating them to the waypoints in your Garmin GPS unit. How do I remove images from my list?Double click on the image then select 'Remove Image' from the resulting pop-up menu. Where do I specify my GPS's COM or USB port?You can't - the program determines that automatically. Just plug it in. There's no altitude information. Why is that?Some older Garmin models (like the GPS 12) do not report altitude data. Most of the newer models (like the Garmin GPS 60) do. You'll need to manually enter the missing information. When should latitude and longitude values be negative?Latitude values that are south of the equator (like Australia) are negative. Longitude values that are west of Greenwich England (like the USA) are negative. If you're in Brazil, both the latitude and longitude would be negative. Why couldn't some of my images be processed from the tracklog?There are several possible reasons. Click here for more information. How should I setup my GPS tracklog?Set up your GPS's tracklog to record a trackpoint every X seconds (instead of using the auto mode), where X is as small as possible. For example, if your GPS can store 1000 trackpoints and if you anticipate taking pictures for a total of 4 hours, you'll want to record 250 trackpoints per hour or, approximately, 4 trackpoints per minute. To accomplish that, set the GPS's recording interval to 1 trackpoint every 15 seconds. How do I ensure that my camera's clock is accurate?Turn on your GPS and go to the page where the time is displayed. Assume that it shows 11:22:02. Now, in the next 58 seconds, go to the setup screen in your camera where you set the time. Set it to 11:23:00 and wait for the GPS to reach that time. When it does, save the camera time. Be quick. To accurately georeference images from a GPS tracklog, it's important that the camera's clock is accurate. Optionally, you can specify an offset. Why is that the best way to sync the GPS and camera clocks?Because it minimizes the possible error. A common belief is that the best way to sync the camera and GPS clock is to take a picture of the GPS unit when it's showing the time and then to equate the displayed time back to the image's time stamp. That belief is wrong. GPS units typically display the current time in 1 second increments, so using that method could result in an error up to 1 second. Unless you're real uncoordinated, you can dramatically decrease the possible error by simply setting the camera's clock when the GPS unit ticks to the camera's current minute. Another reason why this is a better method is because it's easier, not to mention that it's quicker. How often should I sync the camera and GPS clocks?It's a good practice to do it once on the day before taking any pictures. You may not need to do it that often if your camera's clock doesn't drift or if you're stationary for a period of time that's greater than the error when you take the pictures. If you take pictures while moving, it's very important that the camera's time is accurate. What map datum should I specify in the options area?The same one that your GPS is using. In the USA, this is almost always WGS 1984. Why must all of the images be georeferenced before I can process them?Everything the program does (process or export) requires the images to be georeferenced. If they're not georeferenced, they are of no use. What are my options for dealing with the ungeoreferenced images?Click here for solutions. Is there a limit on how many markers I can put on a Google Map?Technically, no, but there's a practical limit. As the number of markers increase, so does the time required for the web browser to process them. The time becomes an issue when the number of markers exceed a few hundred. As long as the number of makers remain below 100 or so, it shouldn't be a major factor. In Google Maps and Google Earth, why is my last GPS trackpoint connected back to the first?
Your GPS's active tracklog can consist of one or more tracklog segments. If you set the CombineTracklogSegments preference setting to True, the program will combine the individual tracklog segments into one, i.e. it will connect the end of one segment to the beginning of the next segment.
How do I prevent the image descriptions in the Google Map info windows from running into/behind the thumbnail images?
The text in Google Map info windows does not automatically wrap within the info window. This can cause an image description to be a very long line that extends behind the thumbnail image and outside of the info window itself.
Why does my tracklog looks like a bunch of random lines on the map?You're using the demo version. Intentional errors are not introduced with the registered version. Why doesn't the Google Map's map.htm file load on my local computer?The map.htm and related files must reside at the location associated with the Google API key. Why are my trackpoint ground speeds shown as "Unknown" in Google Earth?There were no trackpoint time stamps. This can happen when an imported GPX file doesn't contain time values for each trackpoint. It can also happen if you have saved tracklogs in the GPS unit. Trackpoint time stamps are lost when you save the active tracklog in a Garmin GPS unit. When I click on a photo placemark in Google Earth, why do I only see a little gray box (or nothing) in the placemark flyout balloon?It's either because Google earth can't find the file, or it doesn't have access to the graphic file's location, or it can't display the file because it hasn't completed the download. To remedy the first, ensure that the file exists in the location that's specified in the KML file. KML files can be viewed in any ASCII editor like notepad.exe. You can remedy the 2nd (with Google Earth v5.0) by checking the box titled 'Allow placemark ballons to access local files and personal data' under the 'General' tab via the Tools-->Options pull-down menu. To remedy the 3rd, be patient while the file downloads. Can the image file names inside of my Google Earth KMZ files contain extended ASCII characters?If your image file names contain extended ASCII characters (anything beyond 7-bit, as commonly used outside of the USA) and if you're embedding them within a KMZ file, you should set the GeRenameKmzImagesUsingLowAscii preference setting to True. Is it possible for my Google Earth timeline to default to the full timespan so that all of my placemarks will be visible?No. Other than changing it manually, you can't control the timespan's beginning and end. Google Earth sets it automatically. Do I have to load and georeference images before exporting a KML or KMZ file for Google Earth?The Google Earth feature only requires that you load a tracklog. If you load and georeference images, they'll show up too in Google Earth. How about Google Maps?Like the Google Earth support, there's no requirement to also load and georeference images, i.e. you can use it to show only tracklogs. When I click on the Flickr2Map link on my Flickr photo page, it says it can't find the photo?Make sure that the photo's permission is set to public. The Flickr2Map service does not work with private photos. Why do some people get an error about an invalid referring URL when they try to access the Flickr2Map service?The Flickr2Map service must know the Flickr referring URL in order to work. If the user's web browser isn't sending it (either because they have it configured that way or because of an HTTP proxy server), the Flickr2Map service will not be able to get the photo's information. Why isn't RoboGEO creating my new Flickr sets?If you have a free account, you've probably exceeded your Flickr quota. When I export to Streets and Trips, why can't I see the photos?Unlike MapPoint, Streets and Trips doesn't allow you to link to an external image. All you can do is display the pushpins and the related info. Why can't I get my exported file into MapPoint?Make sure that you complete each step in the wizard and that you specify a semi-colon for the field delimiter. Why do all of my images have the same audio associated with them?
The program associates the two by comparing the audio file's disk date with the image's EXIF time. If it works out that a single audio file is the closest match for all of the images, then this will happen.
Can I use my old cassette recorder to record dictation?Not directly, but you can if you're willing to do some extra work. Use sndrec32.exe (a recorder included with Windows) to create digital copies of the audio and then manually associate each with the correct image. Why can't I play WMA files on my computer?See the system requirements for a solution. What's the best brand of digital voice recorder?Most would say Olympus followed by Sony. RoboGEO was tested extensively with an Olympus WS-310M and it works great. As with most high-tech gear, the best place to purchase is at NewEgg. Can I record all of my dictation in one file?No. Each photo's dictation must be contained in a single file, i.e. the program can't extract portions of an audio file to associate with an image. I don't like the built-in audio player. How do I use Winamp, my normal program?Set the AudioUseAssociatedProgram preference to True. Why can't I geocode the actual audio files?Because there's no established technical standard that defines how it should be done. Do I have to geocode the photos in order to associate audio files with them.No. The geocoding functionality is independent of the ability to associate audio with the pictures. Just load your images and audio files, then save it as a project. Why are my photo directions removed after I project the location?
Because, it's presumed, that the new location represents the actual location of photo's subject and that the direction no longer applies.
When projecting image locations, what's the difference between "ground mode" and "airplane mode"?You enter the distance differently. In ground mode, you simply enter the distance. In airplane mode, you enter your altitude (AGL), followed by a semi-colon, followed by the camera angle relative to horizontal. Why do my altitudes change when I project a location in airplane mode?Because the new projected location has a different altitude. How can I prevent the altitudes from changing when projecting in airplane mode?You can't prevent it, but you can remove the altitude values entirely. Set the RemoveImageAltitudeAfterProjecting preference to True. Why can't I edit the EXIF times by simply typing them into the grid?
The program displays data per the computer's regional settings and, with respect to times, there are simply too many formats to account for.
Why can't I geocode images from the waypoints in my GPX file?It's probably because the waypoints don't have timestamps - each waypoint must have a timestamp and it must be contained in a <time> child element. If that's not the cause, it's probably because of one or more reasons detailed here. Why can't RoboGEO read the NMEA data from my GPS?Is the GPS interface set to NMEA 0183? Does the baud rate of the GPS interface match the baud rate you have specified in RoboGEO? Is the GPS connected to the correct COM port? Is the COM port functional? Can other GPS utility programs communicate with the GPS on the selected COM port? Why does it take so long to process my RAW files?RAW files are usually very large, so loading and processing them can take longer than the typical procesing of a JPG file. Be patient. Why can't I stamp the location data onto the actual RAW files?RoboGEO does not support writing raster data to RAW formats (DNG, NEF, CR2, MRW, ERF, RAF, ORF, PEF, ARW SR2, SRW, RW2, RAW, RWL, and MEF). You can only write to the EXIF. For unsupported operations like this, you'll be prompted whether to convert them to JPG before proceeding (your original files will not be affected). Why can't I geocode my images from the IPTC data?There are several possible reasons why you can't geocode images from IPTC data. Do the images have IPTC location data (country, province/state, city, or sub-location)? Are you connected to the internet? Is only one of your search terms not being found (the search uses an AND operator)? Is one of the included terms misspelled? Have you tried a less restrictive search by including fewer terms? Are you sure that your search terms would even exist in the database? Why can't I reverse-geocode images located outside of the USA?The geocoding server doesn't have that information, so it doesn't allow it. What does {CR/LF} stand for?Carriage return - line feed. Think typewriters. For plain ASCII files, it's the invisible characters that cause a new line to be started. When importing a CSV file, it's usually what you need to specify for the record delimeter. Will there be upgrades to RoboGEO?You bet. If you have any suggestions, let me know. |
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